Welcome to our blog, ladies!

Instead of written midterm reports, I would like to see you sharing thoughts, experiences, anecdotes, etc. with the whole group.
Basic requirements will be the following:
  • One post per week minimum about your own project.
  • One contribution/comment about one of your classmate's posts that offers additional insight to their experiences.
  • Your post about your own project is to be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Your comment about another experience should be positive and encouraging.
  • Photos and/or videos are not required, but definitely encouraged. It's nice to have a visual to help the image in our head as we read about your project.

Happy project and happy blogging, ladies. :)


Monday, May 24, 2010

On the Campaign Trail

Hey guys, last week ended up being pretty uneventful for me. Almost all of what I did was work to finalize Matt's schedule for the next four or five months and actually enter it into the calendar that he will see and use for reference. May is a pretty slow time for the campaign so they try to get ahead for the upcoming summer months because they will be much busier and have numerous occassions on the same days. I got out early on both Wednesday and Thursday because my sponsor had to go to meetings with Matt and potential supporters. These meetings are very important to make good contacts and get backing early on in the campaign. One exciting part of last week was that Matt officially filed for the race by turning in the list of signatures that they had been collecting, making history becoming the first candidate to run for the position in Cuyahoga County history. The most memorable part of the week (kind of a sad statement on my project, haha) was when my sponsor showed me some of the features of Constant Contact. He sent out an email to about 1000 people about the news that Matt had officially filed, and using the program we could get a list of exactly who had opened the email, when they opened it, how many times they looked at it, and any links they went to off the email. I felt like such a stalker. Its creepy how technology can invade your privacy like that and no one even knows that the sender has access to that information. It definately makes me think twice about any information I put on the internet, considering it is so easy for the average person to get whatever information they want. And the best part was how excited my sponsor got by looking at the stats, it was really funny to see him refresh the page like twenty times in a 2 minute span. Well, next week promises to be much more eventful for me, thank god! Hope you guys are having a good time on your projects!
Ellen M

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