Welcome to our blog, ladies!

Instead of written midterm reports, I would like to see you sharing thoughts, experiences, anecdotes, etc. with the whole group.
Basic requirements will be the following:
  • One post per week minimum about your own project.
  • One contribution/comment about one of your classmate's posts that offers additional insight to their experiences.
  • Your post about your own project is to be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Your comment about another experience should be positive and encouraging.
  • Photos and/or videos are not required, but definitely encouraged. It's nice to have a visual to help the image in our head as we read about your project.

Happy project and happy blogging, ladies. :)


Friday, May 14, 2010

Just A Few Things...

Hey Guys! Sorry, I've been having major computer porblems lately and have had to scavnege until my laptop gets fixed and been loaded down with stuff to do lately. But I guess it's time to update that blog. So Valentina and I have been running around the city, hiding under rocks trying to get all the things done for our conference that need to be done.

We started off having some trouble with securing the lower school, which Mr. Breisch & Senora Botella solved fairly well. But we're still wondering about potential costs to using the Lower School (Lame, I know). So when we finally had that together, we could start planning out the entire program and looking at who are target audience was. So with that, our week mostly until today consisted of day-long meetings (After Val and I's AP Exams) sitting with our sponsor, as the focus is now more directed at the planning and follow through of our big day! I'm sure you guys...well, girls, have read from Val's blog post that we're planning a Diversity Conference on the 20th of May!

So, the Title of our Conference is Designing Diversity: What's Your Blueprint? (It's a facebook event, attend it!)

Our schedule is looking like this....

5:30pm – 6:00pm Registration/Sign-In, Snack, Mingling [Lincoln Lobby]

6:05pm – 6:15pm Opening Remarks by Kelynn & Valentina [Chapel]

6:15pm – 6:30pm Entertainment [Chapel]

6:30pm – 6:45pm Group Bonding (Individual Groups) [6th grade pod]

6:47pm – 7:49pm Sessions One & Two (Classrooms)

6:42pm – 7:19pm Session One (30 minutes)

7:21pm – 7:47pm Session Two (30 minutes)

7:50pm – 8:00pm Debrief (Puzzle Piece Creation)

8:00pm – 9:02pm Sessions Three & Four (Classrooms)

8:00pm – 8:30pm Session Three (30 minutes)

8:32pm – 9:02pm Session Four (30 minutes)

9:02pm – 9:12pm Debrief (Puzzle Piece Creation Part Two)

9:15pm – 9:30pm Closing & Thank You’s by Kelynn &Valentina [Chapel]

This part was probably one of my most favorite parts, making the actual outline of the schedule as opposed to the paper work, money & business side. That stuff kinda stinks...a lot actually, but it had to get done. Also, we've selected our facilitators, and have an introductory meeting with them on Monday, a few of Hawken Students have stepped up to help us reach our ending goal as well as students from Laurel, US, and faculty from Hawken, and some faculty from other places.

Because we have a faciltator meeting, Valentina and I are now working on our presentation to them, to enure that all of them know how to facilitate potential emotional situations, etc.

We also created a facebook invitation for all you Hawken Seniors, so check that out and click attend and be there!

One thing we may have to do that will end up being costly is paying for food ourselves because we start Sign-In/Registration at 5:30pm, and we go until 9:30pm, meaning we're overlapping the dinner hour. So that's something still being discussed about and how to best handle it.

AND, I don't know what Val's talking about, I'm not MEAN when I'm "business-eey", I'm just...umm...focused, yeah. Haha. But Val's been awesome, we've been able to talk through everything and come to a consensus, we've bounced ideas off of each other and been able to come up with even better ones. I think we work really well together because we're not afraid to be honest with each other, but still do so in a loving way, which is awesome! I'd give her an F+...JUST KIDDING. I'd give her an A+ back :)

Well, those are just a couple things I can quickly tell you guys about, at the moment, I'm corresponding with Ms. Nichols from HB and Tracy Crough from US about their interest in the program, among many other contact people at other schools. And today is our day to continue contacting people and begin to buy supplies and physically create the things we need for the conference. I'm really excited for this part because it's the part I've actually wanted to do, as opposed to the boring business stuff.

I hope project is going well for everyone :) Looks like everyone has really cool projects!

Don't forget to come to the Conference :)Thursday May 20th, 2010 from 6-9:30pm, Registration from 5:30 to 6! And it's free with free food :)

1 comment:

  1. Your idea was really creative, so props on that. Sounds like you guys have thought things out really well. You are lucky that you have each other to work everything out. From all the work you have/are going to put into it, it definitely sounds like its going to be a success.
