Welcome to our blog, ladies!

Instead of written midterm reports, I would like to see you sharing thoughts, experiences, anecdotes, etc. with the whole group.
Basic requirements will be the following:
  • One post per week minimum about your own project.
  • One contribution/comment about one of your classmate's posts that offers additional insight to their experiences.
  • Your post about your own project is to be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Your comment about another experience should be positive and encouraging.
  • Photos and/or videos are not required, but definitely encouraged. It's nice to have a visual to help the image in our head as we read about your project.

Happy project and happy blogging, ladies. :)


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Diversity Gala

Sra. Botella,

Past few days have been difficult. :) But we're on the road.

Had a serious meeting with our sponsor yesterday. We have dates and a program now. We've been sending e-mails out. Getting people to join us be a part of it. It's been REALLY great because we've been diving into what we really want out of this and it's been wonderful. So here's some deep things to share. Haha.

Our Purpose and Goal:
- to educate and create a safe place for people to talk about things they may not be able to talk about at their own schools; to be able to express what they see and feel in terms of diversity, on the daily.
- to make people STOP and THINK. What IS diversity? Instead of them reproducing the same manufactured answer society has moulded them to know.
- defining our OWN meaning of diversity, without being bind by the previous generation's notion of what it means and opening our minds to the TRUTHS of society.

So we have all the details, ideas, and activities for the program on lock. Thursday, May 20th. We're just contacting people now and hoping they can pull through. It's going to be great! :)Yayyyyy..

P.S. - I was being NICE in the corridor, not running away. Haha. Kelynn told me she had spoken to you.
Oh, and Kelynn's been working REALLY hard, just so you know! It said we need to evaluate our partners. Yeah! I'd give her an A+. But that's just her business side. She's mean when she's business-eey! *joke*

Have a great day! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear things are rolling. Please post more often, and keep me informed by email as well. I need details :)
