Welcome to our blog, ladies!

Instead of written midterm reports, I would like to see you sharing thoughts, experiences, anecdotes, etc. with the whole group.
Basic requirements will be the following:
  • One post per week minimum about your own project.
  • One contribution/comment about one of your classmate's posts that offers additional insight to their experiences.
  • Your post about your own project is to be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Your comment about another experience should be positive and encouraging.
  • Photos and/or videos are not required, but definitely encouraged. It's nice to have a visual to help the image in our head as we read about your project.

Happy project and happy blogging, ladies. :)


Monday, May 3, 2010

Designers Have Dirty Mouths

Hi Everyone,

For my project I'm working at the graphic design company Nesadney and Schwartz on beautiful University Circle. I got to park at Mather house and walk over!

I hope everybody's first day is going as well as mine has been thus far. I get my own desk! And phone! And computer!! Already, today I've worked with an educating program called Lynda, which tutors you about all different types of graphic design programs, right now I'm learning about InDesign which is the same program we use for Onyx pages.

The pictures above are the first ones I edited, the top one is the final result and the one the bottom is what I started with (I had to get rid of the line and shadow.) We're working on redesigning their website.

Also, I got to sit in on a conference call with Vassar College because we're designing their quarterly alumni magazine and later I get to go to a senior art showcase at CIA.

Here is more of what I have learned so far:
It is very easy to get lost when driving down to University Circle.
Designers get very belligerent defending their work: dirty language ensues.
Designers love to eat (we ordered pizza for lunch. Woo-hoo!)
The Vasser quarterly alumni magazine comes out three times a year.

OK, that's all!
Peace, Ellen

P.S. Now it is Tuesday, the office has a masseuse come in for 15 minute chair massages for everyone. I don't know who thought this up but I would like to offer them a personal thank you.


  1. Sounds great, Ellen. Keep us informed and show us some of your work (if you can :)

  2. Awesome about the massages! That's the right way to keep those designers' language clean :)

  3. I'm really glad that devoting your life to the Onyx has paid off :)
