Welcome to our blog, ladies!

Instead of written midterm reports, I would like to see you sharing thoughts, experiences, anecdotes, etc. with the whole group.
Basic requirements will be the following:
  • One post per week minimum about your own project.
  • One contribution/comment about one of your classmate's posts that offers additional insight to their experiences.
  • Your post about your own project is to be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Your comment about another experience should be positive and encouraging.
  • Photos and/or videos are not required, but definitely encouraged. It's nice to have a visual to help the image in our head as we read about your project.

Happy project and happy blogging, ladies. :)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Final Week

Hey guys,
The last week of my project ended up making the three previous weeks of grunt work worth it. I finally got to do some exciting things. I walked door to door in Parma handing out pamphlets with Matt. This gave Matt the chance to get out there and talk to people and answer any questions they might have for him, and it gave me the chance to get out of the office and actually do something that might affect the campaign. I was really glad that I was able to do that. But the best part of my last week was actually gettting to participate in two Memorial Day Weekend parades. I got to hold the banner in the Blossom parade in Chagrin Falls. It was so hot that day, but it was really fun to be in the midst of the excitement. Then on Monday I got to throw candy to all the little kids at the University Heights parade. They were so cute! And so excited when they got it. I saw the Brandts there too with little Lucas which was cool. Im really glad I got the opportunity to spent some time with the campaign.
I really enjoyed reading all your posts, sounds like you had some good projects! Good Luck in the future! I cant believe we are graduating today!
Ellen M

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Final week

It's over! I really enjoyed my project (and I hope everyone else did too!). As some of you might have know, before my project I was considering the idea of going to vet school and becoming a vet! After this experience I am not so sure. I really enjoyed watching Dr. Richman and learning all about his practices, but I am not sure that it is the right thing for me! I want to work with rescues and strays, rather then working with the sick animals. My work at the vet has been very very helpful and got me to that decision. So I have decided to go to school undecided and see where that leads me! I really did enjoy my time at the vet though, I will see you all at graduation!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


YEAH! Are you all excited for senior breakfast tomorrow?! You are officially done with the "on-site" part of your projects. I got to visit a few places and enjoyed seeing some of you in action.

Don't forget to email me your final project reports and if you are putting a power point together, email that too. That way we can access it from the classroom where we'll be on Friday.

I cannot wait to hear all about your work. Bring pics and bring lots of stories :)


I'm a little bit behind so I owe posts from the past two weeks...
Week 3 - This week was the beginning of senior project for Kenston and Chagrin Falls High Schools. Since Chagrin Yoga is located right in Chagrin, obviously, seven other students on their senior project joined me. Three were from Kenston and three from Chagrin. When they came all of the jobs got a lot easier. Example, the cleaning that would take me an hour to complete turned into ten minutes because there were eight people all working on a different job. Since there were so many of us for this week it was kind of hard for the managers to find something for every single one of us to always be doing. To fix that they made it required that we all take at least one class a day because some of the kids had been sitting and only observing each class. Also to fix this one of the girls from Chagrin came up with the idea of reading the various yoga books through out the store during a class time. This was so much better than observing the classes because going into the third week I had already observed some of the same classes close to twenty times. The books we read included 40 Days To Personal Revolution by Baron Baptiste, Journey Into Power also by Baron Baptiste, and an "encyclopedia" of yoga that addressed the spiritual side of practice. This week I started Journey Into Power. The book seemed more like a self help book in a way than really a depiction of yoga but was still interesting because of it's many chapters on mediation and the diet of a yogi. The chapter on food was particularly interesting because it included several lists of "hot" and "cold" food (the actual temperature of the food didn't define this). Basically "hot" food are foods that kind of make you feel heavy, like pizza. While "cold" foods are meant to fill you, not something like celery, but also not weigh you down, like an apple. The book also included several chapters on physically opening yourself that I found very interesting. Baptiste didn't preach being constantly open about what's going on your head like floodgates but rather let it come out in parts and you'll find yourself in a happier place. The rest of the book was self help that I kind of skimmed...
Week 4 - This week the owner of Chagrin Yoga, Darcy Providente, showed all eight of us a little bit more about the publicity side of owning a business. We went down into Chagrin with a stack of flyers that offered a free class for first time practicers. Once there we split up into groups of two and went around the local stores asking if we could put a few flyers on their checkout desk for customers to see. All but two stores accepted the offer and a few people working in the stores even said they would be using the flyers to come to a free class. It seems like a pretty simple form of advertising but it actually ended up helping a lot. Within the day two or three new people came with their flyer that they said they had picked it up in a store in Chagrin. Darcy saw positive results so the next day we went up to the strip malls on 306 and East Washington and did the same thing. The publicity aspects occurred in the afternoon we all still took a class in the morning. We had to chose between Power Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, or Slow Flow Yoga. Most of us chose Power Vinyasa. I've gotten more used to the heat of the room since the beginning but still find how hot it is in the room hard to work with. A few of us asked one of the instructors why they kept the room so warm at the end of one of the class. She told us that she was taught to instruct that way because it's meant to replicate the humidity of India, where yoga originated. It's also so hot because the purpose is to make you sweat so much that sweat is dripping off of every inch of your body because it flushed toxins from your body. Week 4 was fun yay!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hey Senora...

When do you want our final project report? OR are we not doing them at all because we've all been blogging (personally, I believe the later is the optimal choice for everyone!)


Monday, May 31, 2010

Today was a really slow day. The weekend was really busy and there were a ton of mothers giving birth but today was the day most of them went home. We did a lot of discharging and wheeling people down to thier cars. We cleaned rooms and got them ready for the next patients. We had to go to each of the labor & delivery rooms and count up the drawers to make sure they had everything they needed for any upcoming birth. My nurse and I went around and checked the vitals of all the women in our wing. I learned that many women will have higher blood pressure since they just put thier bodies through all the stresses of giving birth. One woman, in particular had very high blood pressure so we had to check it manually a bunch of times then call the doctor. I learned how to check temperature and blood pressure and what type of things there are to look out for. I also got to sit in on a class for first time mothers that is held everyday in the buidling. It was really interesting because there were so many things that I never knew about babies. We learned how to wash babies, dress them, change them, feed them, etc. We learned about feeding times and growth spurts. Babies grow a lot during the first few weeks of life and I learned that feeding them every few hours (even if they dont seem to want it) is extremely important. I also got to help bathe a baby and learned about where to wash and with what, and how warm the water should be/ what soap to use. Today was a lot of learning and I saw how many things you have to consider when dealing with babies.

More Pandora

Hey guys,

I have been a little behind on my blogging, but life has been very busy. My other posts make it seem as though I have only been working with the bracelets, when I have not. The past week, rings and earrings had become very popular. It was great when a customer came in and it turned out she was buying a graduation present for one of my good friends. It is also very exciting that my sponsor was out all week in Atlanta where she has another Pandora store opening up. A lot has been going on these past few weeks and it can be hard to keep up with!

With project almost being over, I have started to look back at my entire experience at Pandora with all of the useful things I learned and the memories. I want to take this blog to write about the most memorable moments from working at Pandora.

First of all, it really shocked me how several people would come in just to have a single bead put onto their bracelet, which takes about five seconds. Although this was not a big deal at all, I was just surprised at how many people wanted this done. I did however like when people would come in with a bunch of beads and ask for help on how to put it together and give it some sort of style. A lot of people like their bracelets to have certain color themes or be very symmetric. I worked with a women who was designing her 4th bracelet which was going to be black and white. My favorite customers were the people who would get so excited about adding a new bead to their bracelets. One lady bought two new beads to add onto her champagne/brown themed bracelet and she was just so excited and showing everyone once I had put the beads on. Another women had come in and loved the turtle bead, then she saw a blue glass bead, then the dolphin and before she knew it she had picked out about ten beads and had created a water themed bracelet. Another memorable bracelet was when a husband had come in and he told me all about his wife and their new condo in Florida. So in honor of the new condo, I helped him design a bracelet for Florida which had the palm trees, sea shell and several blue beads as well. On the same note, some of the husbands and boyfriends that came in were so sweet and always wanted the beads that had meanings and they would pick out such thoughtful gifts.

The hardest part of working with customers was listening to what they wanted and not putting too much of my own taste into something. There were quite a few times when a customer would pick out items that just were not cute. I would try to give my so called professional opinion, but its the customers wants that came first. Pandora has really been a great experience and environment.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Vet

This week was a lot like the last except a lot busier! The mornings were very full of patients and Dr. Richman had to run from room to room. This week we saw a lot of laser therapies. Doc does uses his laser on many different things, the laser promotes healing in the patients and he uses it after surgeries. He also uses it for animals that have strained themselves. I also saw my first set of x-rays- the doc preformed the x-rays on a small dog who was limping. The x-rays showed no serious problems so Dr. Richman just lasered the dogs leg to make him feel better immediately and put the dog on pain medication for long term relief.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hi girls! I'm a little late with last weeks blog, but it was a pretty low-key relaxing week.
Monday wasn't very exciting yet it really wasn't boring either. We started off helping the records bureau organize traffic tickets and the afternoon we spent time in the communication center. The comm. center is actually a lot of fun because we get to listen to different 911 calls. We have heard everything from potential suicides to little kids playing with the phone.
Our mentor gave Becky and I Tuesday off before we checked in for our midterm meeting.
On Wednesday I went on a Shift Ride-a-long where we almost arrested a man for not complying with the officers. The man was under heavy suspicion because he was riding a young girl's bike. However, eventually his story checked out and he was cleared.
Thursday I had a Traffic Ride-a-long. The morning started off with a man lying about his intent at a car accident. After lying to the police officer for about half an hour, the man finally confessed that he was at fault. After the accident we began to run radar yet as we were looking for speeders, two tiny dogs came running to the squad car so that they could be held and loved. We tracked down the owner and the dogs were very happy to go home.
Friday was another easy and relaxing day. Becky and I filed and organized for the defectives bureau. We finished the original job so early that we were also able to help file for the finical department and the records bureau. Becky and I don't mind being assigned to filing or organization because we get to do so many cool things that we are more than happy to help out in any way we can.

CHICAGO...cept not really.

Ok, I've been pretty bored for the last few days because Ms. Gregory was on a business trip to a conference in Chicago and I had work conflicts that left me unable to attend. Boo.

But, as of right now I'm finishing up a handbook that will accompany the new website that is currently being developed to make the transferring and disbursement of financial aid thingies more efficient and easier to track.

That's about it for right now.

In other news....

Kelynn and Valentina's Diversity Gala was a success! The amount of people in attendance went perfectly with the type of atmosphere desired. Yayy!!!

I hope everyone is continuing to have success and fun with their projects!!