Welcome to our blog, ladies!

Instead of written midterm reports, I would like to see you sharing thoughts, experiences, anecdotes, etc. with the whole group.
Basic requirements will be the following:
  • One post per week minimum about your own project.
  • One contribution/comment about one of your classmate's posts that offers additional insight to their experiences.
  • Your post about your own project is to be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Your comment about another experience should be positive and encouraging.
  • Photos and/or videos are not required, but definitely encouraged. It's nice to have a visual to help the image in our head as we read about your project.

Happy project and happy blogging, ladies. :)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Final Week

Hey guys,
The last week of my project ended up making the three previous weeks of grunt work worth it. I finally got to do some exciting things. I walked door to door in Parma handing out pamphlets with Matt. This gave Matt the chance to get out there and talk to people and answer any questions they might have for him, and it gave me the chance to get out of the office and actually do something that might affect the campaign. I was really glad that I was able to do that. But the best part of my last week was actually gettting to participate in two Memorial Day Weekend parades. I got to hold the banner in the Blossom parade in Chagrin Falls. It was so hot that day, but it was really fun to be in the midst of the excitement. Then on Monday I got to throw candy to all the little kids at the University Heights parade. They were so cute! And so excited when they got it. I saw the Brandts there too with little Lucas which was cool. Im really glad I got the opportunity to spent some time with the campaign.
I really enjoyed reading all your posts, sounds like you had some good projects! Good Luck in the future! I cant believe we are graduating today!
Ellen M

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