Welcome to our blog, ladies!

Instead of written midterm reports, I would like to see you sharing thoughts, experiences, anecdotes, etc. with the whole group.
Basic requirements will be the following:
  • One post per week minimum about your own project.
  • One contribution/comment about one of your classmate's posts that offers additional insight to their experiences.
  • Your post about your own project is to be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Your comment about another experience should be positive and encouraging.
  • Photos and/or videos are not required, but definitely encouraged. It's nice to have a visual to help the image in our head as we read about your project.

Happy project and happy blogging, ladies. :)


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


YEAH! Are you all excited for senior breakfast tomorrow?! You are officially done with the "on-site" part of your projects. I got to visit a few places and enjoyed seeing some of you in action.

Don't forget to email me your final project reports and if you are putting a power point together, email that too. That way we can access it from the classroom where we'll be on Friday.

I cannot wait to hear all about your work. Bring pics and bring lots of stories :)

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